Sunday, 21 January 2018

2 Years!!

Two years ago today, I tried stand up for the first time. It was the best decision I ever made.

Shout out to all my friends and family that have come out to a show, or sent me an encouraging text, or supported me in any way. I don't really know what I'm doing, and when I fall, you guys continually pick me up and tell me to keep going. It means the world to me.

And to all the comics and bookers that have ever let me be a part of their show, or given me a word of advice, or just been a friend to me, thank you. I really appreciate not only your stage time, but your friendship, as well. I love being a part of the team.

When I got on stage for the first time at Yuk Yuks, I didn't know if I would do well, or bomb, or what would happen. I remember telling people that I wasn't nervous about bombing, I was nervous about not liking it. I'd built stand up comedy up in my mind as this thing I wanted to do so bad, and I was terrified that it wouldn't live up to the hype I had built up for it in my own mind. But it did. Man, it did....

I've had ups and downs. Good sets, bad sets. I've been on top of the world, and I've felt like a loser who needs to give this up and get a real job. I've learned that stand up is a fucking rollercoaster, but I love it. I still have a long way to go, but I'm proud of how far I've come so far, and I wake up every day excited to keep going.

That's it. It's 2 years. In the grand scheme of stand up, I'm still a speck on the map. But that's fine with me, 'cause at least I'm on the map.

Thanks guys.


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