Sunday, 22 July 2018

#60 - Sunday Ramblings 07/22/18

Sorry for the half-assed blog yesterday. I'll be (slightly) better today.

I usually like getting up early on Sunday (early being before 8:00. You people that get up at like 5:00 are sickos). I hate it if I'm getting up because I have somewhere to be. But on a morning like this where my only obligations are this blog and walking my dog, I'd rather get up and enjoy the morning.  Coffee, a video game, and a lazy dog on my lap is the perfect Sunday morning.

I spent Friday night hanging out with some friends, and then yesterday was about my Dad's birthday and taking family photos like I mentioned in Saturday's "mini-blog". I'm more selective with who I send my time with these days. I'm not better than anyone or anything, but I try to stay busy, and I have less time to just hang out with people and relax. So when the chance comes up, I want to be surrounded by the people I enjoy hanging out with the most. This has been a really good weekend.

We've had some crazy storms here in Edmonton this weekend as well, which has made it that much better. I'm definitely one of those "rain loving" weirdos. If I don't have to go out, bring it on. Hopefully, nobody has run into any basement flooding or anything. I saw some photos on Twitter on car windows that were smashed out by hail in some places, which is crazy. Just rain with a side of thunder and lightning, please.

It's the dog days of Summer comedy right now. I picked the perfect time to try and be a full-time comedian....I'm still managing to stay busy(ish), but it's definitely slower. Luckily, the comedy clubs in Edmonton seem to like me, and they've hooked me up with a few weekends of work to help ride out the July and August droughts.

The podcasts re going really well. 'Adam Wastes Time' continues to slowly pick up listeners, and 'Remember the Game?' has already passed it for average weekly downloads. I figured it would, more people re interested in retro video games than what some open mic comic has to say. I've been tossing ideas around in my head for a wrestling project, something where I talk WWE once a week, but I don't want to start a third podcast. Maybe something with YouTube, but that market is pretty packed as it is. I don't know if I want to sit and write a second blog every week, but that's an option, too.

My dog is sitting here on the floor staring at me, so I'm gonna go hang out on the couch with her and some coffee. Sundays are the best.

Enjoy yours!


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