Monday, 2 July 2018

#40 - Hecklers 07/02/18

I've actually been pretty lucky in regards to hecklers. In the almost 2 1/2 years that I've been telling jokes, I can really only remember 3 or 4 situations where I had a bad interaction with one.

When you google "comedian advice" or look at the stand up forums on reddit, one of the big questions/concerns from newer comics is about how to deal with hecklers. Bill Burr has said on numerous occasions that he worked squeaky clean his first couple years as a comedian, because he was afraid of being heckled and he thought that would help avoid it. I totally get why it worries people, but it honestly never really entered my mind when I decided to start doing stand up.

When I initially started, I kind of looked at hecklers as chicken shits. I'm the one on stage, in the spotlight, with everyone looking at me. You're hiding in the dark, in a crowd of people, and you're not expected to be funny. It takes a lot of balls to try and be the hero when you can be anonymous, and just slump back into your seat if your jokes bomb. So I didn't sweat them. I still feel that way about mean-spirited hecklers. Chirping a comic from the safety of anonymity doesn't take any balls at all. It's the verbal equivalent of sucker punching someone in a fight.

That said, one of the things I've found, is that at least in my experience, most "hecklers" don't necessarily have bad intentions. They aren't trying to make you look bad, they just want to be part of the show. Sometimes, I think they think they're actually helping the show. If you're one of those people, rest assured that we almost definitely don't need your help. For every one comment someone yells that works and makes people laugh, there's a dozen that suck.

Personally, I don't usually mind it if someone wants to yell at me a little bit. I like interacting with the audience, and sometimes it turns out to be pretty funny. And when someone says something, and you hit them back with the perfect reply right away, you get a little extra respect from the rest of the crowd. I feel like my jokes hit a little harder when I win a back and forth with someone, like you solidify that you're the right person to be up there with the microphone.

Where I start to get frustrated is when someone either doesn't want to have an intelligent back and forth, and they just start saying stupid, incoherent shit to hear themselves talk. "Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level, and beat you with experience." I usually find that these people don't shut up, because they think they're winning, and it ends up screwing up the rhythm of the show because you're constantly dealing with them.

I had the inspiration to write this blog after my show last night. A guy in the crowd was pretty drunk, and just kept yelling that he was my Mom. I didn't really care, and had a good time making fun of him, but I felt like it hit a point where the rest of the audience was like, "ok, that's enough. Tell a joke..." and this guy thought he was being clever, so he just kept saying it. Have a little fun with the comedian, but don't wreck the show for everybody else.

I dunno, I guess it's my job to let him know that. I'm still learning. Maybe I should read some of those "how to deal with hecklers" reddit posts, after all...

Thanks for reading. Enjoy your holiday Monday!


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