Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Being Away From Home....09/12/18

I've been away for two weeks, which in the world of stand up comedy, really isn't that long. I guess in most worlds it isn't. And while I'm not crippled by homesickness or anything, I'm looking forward to going home for a few days. I miss my girlfriend, and I can't wait to see my dog.

Admittedly, I'm still taking baby steps as a comic. This is only the second or third time I've been on the road for more than a few days, but I totally get why some comics say it's the hardest part of the job. My girlfriend and I don't see a ton of each other, even when I am home, because of our schedules. She leaves for work early in the morning, and I usually head out to shows or open mics in the evening. We text and talk on the phone, and when we get time to hang out, we make the most of it. Being away for any real length of time takes away that couple hours we spend together having dinner, and that's kind of shitty. 

How a comedian does this job with kids at home, I have no idea. I'm not saying they shouldn't or anything. I just have a lot of respect for those that can, because I can't imagine how hard it must be after a while. The closest I have is my dog, and it's driving me crazy not having her around. To have a couple kids in that spot? Man.....

But what do I know?? I'm not a parent. Maybe you look forward to the break?? A little peace and quiet, sleeping in. Haha, maybe having kids at home are why some people become comedians in the first place!

I have one more week of shows with the Absolute Comedy clubs here in Ontario, and it's at the Toronto club. Pete Zedlacher is the headliner, and he's an absolute killer, so if you're reading this and you happen to be in Toronto, pop by the club!

Thanks for reading.


Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Good Times in Kingston 09/04/18

This morning, I'm heading to Ottawa for a week, after finishing off a great week of shows at Absolute Comedy in Kingston.

The shows themselves were awesome. Every audience came to play, they were dialled in and energetic right off the top, which is perfect, and we had a lot of fun. I was a little rough around the edges on Wednesday night for the first show; it was my MC debut with Absolute and I could tell I was a little nervous. I also caught the red-eye out from Edmonton, and I hadn't really slept in a day and a half which didn't help. I settled in the second night, though, and overall I think I'm pretty happy with the shows.

The staff were ridiculously accommodating, too. They were so nice to us each night, and it really helped me relax and get comfortable in a new setting. I can't say enough good things about everyone out here, and I really hope I get a chance to come back and do it again next year. Thanks guys!

The real prize of the week was getting a chance to catch up with a bunch of my family. I was born out here, and moved away before the 1st grade. Most of my family still lives in or around Kingston, and I don't get many chances to come out here and catch up with them. A few people came out and saw a show at the club, which was much appreciated. We had Sunday off, and I rented a car and drove out to Trenton to visit with my Grandma, which was the absolute highlight of the week for me. My Dad's brothers and I took her out for lunch and caught up, and then after we dropped her off, we went out to my Uncle's place to partake in the Blank family tradition of drinking a lot of beer. We sat outside drinking and catching for the night, and despite not feeling great Monday morning, it was awesome. I came back to Kingston that morning to drop my rental off, and had a chance to get lunch with my Mom's brother that afternoon, too.

Like I said, getting the opportunity to perform at these clubs is fantastic, but getting to visit with my family at the same time makes it perfect. This week couldn't possibly have gone any better. Now it's off to Ottawa for a week of shows at the Absolute club up there, and I can't wait. I love that city, and the audiences at the club are some of the best I've ever been in front of.

Life is good.

Thanks for reading.
