Monday 18 June 2018

#26 - Mind Your Own Business 06/18/18

When I was a kid, my parents taught me something that has served me well over most of the past 34 years. And that piece of advice, was to

I cannot, for the life of me, understand how a human could hate another human because of something that has NO affect on them whatsoever. To have a problem with someone because of something like their sexuality is both sad, and pathetic. If a person is going out and hurting people, or making life unpleasant for others, that's a different story. But because a guy likes guys? Who cares?? It's none of your fucking business.

There was a story in the news recently, about a bakery (I believe in Colorado) that wouldn't make a wedding cake for a gay couple. It serves as a sad reminder, that despite the advancements in acceptance we've made as a society, we have a long way to go. It made me shake my head. And I'm sure that that couple will move on, and probably have a great wedding anyways, but that story will always be attached to their special day. I suppose you could argue that the engaged couple could have just walked away and taken their business elsewhere, but that's a different argument for a different day. The fact that their business was refused for no good reason whatsoever, is sad.

I don't know how this hate/fear of homosexuals started back in the day, but I can't wrap my head around how we, as a society, haven't "outgrown" it. Obviously, we're making progress, but the fact that it requires progress be made at all isn't right. Young people today seem more tolerant than ever before, and I sincerely hope that's the case, and that as they get older and begin to take over the planet, that acceptance continues to blossom and grow.

As long as people exist, assholes will exist, too. But if you are one of the assholes out there, find a better reason to be an asshole than simply because you don't like who someone else likes. We're all human, we all deserve to be who we want to be with. We're all entitled to happiness. We're all the same. Focus less of your energy on hating other people, and more of it on loving yourself. (That's corny, but it's true).

Let people live their lives the way they want to. Mind your own fucking business.

Have a great week.


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