I don't pay any attention to politics, but how can anyone avoid hearing about Donald Trump in 2018? Unless you live off the grid, in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, with no people or internet for miles, he's practically impossible to ignore. He's all over TV, Twitter, Newspapers; he's everywhere. And if he's not the most polarizing figure on the planet right now, he's pretty damned close.
Back in his Apprentice days, I liked Donald Trump. I think a lot of people did. I didn't know (or care) about his business practices or his personal opinions on anything. I just saw him as the "You're Fired" guy. The first couple seasons of that show were fun to watch. He showed up in the pro wrestling for a cup of coffee, too.
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Trump on the receiving end of a Stone Cold Stunner :) |
Fast forward a few years, and it's President Trump. The guy from The Apprentice is calling the shots for the most powerful country in the world. Suddenly, he didn't seem like the funny boss I had grown to like watching on TV. He was....kind of an asshole.
Admittedly, I supported Trump and his campaign for quite a while. I didn't think he'd actually win, and I thought it was entertaining to watch this guy that was different from all the other cut and paste politicians. I never watched Presidential debates or anything like that before, but I couldn't help but watch this loud, obnoxious blowhard keep interrupting his opponents and acting like a child on national TV. I fell into the "at least he says what's on his mind" camp for quite a while.
When the "grab her by the pussy" tape came out, I rolled my eyes. It was a stupid thing for him to say, although I think what often gets overlooked is that he said it in (what he thought was) a private conversation between friends. I'm not sitting here defending his comment, but who hasn't made a joke to a friend that they wouldn't dare say in public? I'm sure lots of women gossip about people, and I've been in locker rooms with other guys. People talk shit all the time. It was a dumb comment, that I felt got blown slightly out of proportion because people were looking for reasons to hate on Trump. We were all realizing he was an idiotic blowhard without a filter, this just magnified that fact.
As you all know, Trump went on to win the election. The guy that made me laugh, that I occasionally defended for "speaking his mind", went full on crazy. His tweets, his press conferences, it just became a circus. At times, it's hard to remember that he's in charge of the United States and not just some goofball parody on television. My support of him was waning. Every week, he did or said something dumber than the last. I can recall two specific moments that caused me to walk away from him altogether, although I don't remember the order of them.
The first was when he said "why do we want people from shithole countries coming here?", and the second was when he said there was "fault on both sides" in regards to the Charlottesville rallies. He wasn't funny anymore, and these comments weren't stupid things he said to try and crack up his friends. A joke will rarely, if ever, offend me. But these weren't jokes. These were the opinions of an asshole.
I know a lot of people still support Trump, and that's fine. I can't stand it when people tell other people how they have to feel or what they have to believe in. And admittedly, I still don't pay enough attention to the United States and what Trump has going on to form a full educated opinion. Is the economy better, are there more jobs, blah blah blah? I don't know. I just know that I was a Trump fan for years. And now that the curtains have been pulled back, and we've seen what's going on in the man's head, I don't think he's funny anymore.
I'm gonna go watch something that really matters; SportsCentre.
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