Sunday 5 August 2018

#74 - Sunday Ramblings 08/05/18

Happy Sunday! Long weekend Sundays are the best, aren't they? You can drink tonight, and then spend Monday at home, nursing your hangover. I guess Holiday Mondays are actually the best...

Unless it's not a long weekend for you. In which case, happy Sunday....blah.

My nephew is here, and we spent most of our night last night playing Fortnite together. It was really fun, because my girlfriend, my nephew, and I each had our own Switch on the go, and we were playing video games together IN THE SAME ROOM! Just like the old days! I tried to explain to him how cut throat Goldeneye on the Nintendo 64 used to get when you had four friends sitting on the same couch. Not like today, where you sit alone in your basement, playing against and being made fun of by some ten year old in his parent's basement on the other side of the world. Sigh...

I'm trying to convince him to try my NES classic, too, but he isn't budging. On one hand, I don't know how anyone isn't interested in playing those old games. But on the other hand, if someone 25 years older than me came to my place when I was 12 and tried to convince me to play with the stuff they grew up with, I wouldn't be interested either. (I was half way through writing that out and realized someone 25 years older than me didn't grow up with video games....)

My girlfriend is on holidays this week, too. And that's awesome. We aren't very clingy, but we really don't spend enough time together these days. Outside of a few shows I have coming up this week, I'm pretty focused on just spending time with the family. By next Sunday, I'll have annoyed her enough that she'll be ready to go back to work.

Speaking of shows this week, I'm going to start posting all the spots I have booked for the week in my Sunday blog. I don't post about all the open mics and stuff I do anymore, because working on new jokes is hard enough without your friends and family there. That said, if you want to come out and heckle me, this is where you can do it over the next 7 days:

August 5 - Empress Comedy Night; Empress Ale House on Whyte (9pm & FREE!)
August 6 - Hosting Battle to the Funny Bone; The Comic Strip in WEM (7:30. Message me for FREE tickets!)
August 10 & 11 - Hosting at Yuk Yuks; Century Casino (Celeste Lampa is HEADLINING!!!!! Come! COME! I have free tickets, message me!)

Like I  said, a slower week, but I want to spend some time with some people doing some things. Have a great Sunday, y'all!


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