Saturday 9 June 2018

#17 - Summer 06/09/18

I wonder if people that live in places where it's beautiful outside year around appreciate the warm weather as much as people that live in places where it gets cold for half the year do?

Obviously, being a proud Canadian, I'm used to dealing with winters. I don't even hate winter. I know some people do, but I don't think it's that bad. I look at it as an excuse to hibernate inside and be lazy for a few months. And from a selfish perspective, the quality of most comedy shows improves exponentially when it's cold outside, because people are looking for stuff to do indoors. Hockey is on, Christmas is in the winter, there's lots of pros.

That said, I prefer summer so much more. We get about 3-4 months of beautiful weather in Edmonton in a good year. Like, 20 degrees + weather. I love it. When you can walk your dog wearing only shorts and a t shirt, and not have to go back early because your cold. Filling your car up with gas, and not stopping at half a tank because the wind hurts your face. And then you get a slurpee to go with your new tank of gas, and drive away with the window down? That's what I'm talking about.....Firepits, BBQing, beers on bar patios? Fuck yeah!

My only real issue with summer (other than allergies, but fuck them), is comedy takes a pounding. Some open mics and shows shut down entirely from June - August, because it's just too hard to convince people to come inside and watch a show. But even that isn't the end of the world. I'd love to hit a point in my comedy career where I'm booked solid in the winter, and if my summer is empty, I can just enjoy a summer vacation like I used to as a kid.

I'm on the road this weekend, hitting Saskatoon, Regina, and Red Deer before going back to Edmonton. Me and Brent (the comic I'm travelling with) were saying yesterday that it's a give and take with comedy and the weather. In the winter, we get great audiences, but the drives can be just awful. In the summer the crowds get small, but the drive is awesome. Obviously, I'd prefer the best of both worlds, but there's just few things in the world that make me feel as happy as driving in the summer.

I dunno, maybe this is a dumb blog. But I'm in a good mood, the sun is out, and I'm in shorts and flip flops. Life is good.

Thanks for reading. And as my buddy Ken Valgardson would say, "Go outside!". (Unless you're in Regina tonight or Red Deer tomorrow. Then please come to our shows!)


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